They say nothing grows slower than a bad haircut.

Would you ever consider cutting your own hair?  A “growing” number of men and women are skipping the salon or barbershop in favor of giving themselves a trim.

Research firm Attest reports 45% percent of men and 21% of women are cutting their hair at home.

Experts say it’s because cutting your own hair is cheaper, and many people have learned how to do so over the last two years.

Attest CEO Jeremy King cuts his own hair and says he purchased some clippers for about $20 from Amazon, about $10 cheaper than one haircut. He says the investment lasted for five haircuts during the Covid-19 lockdown.  And he adds his wife did a pretty good job with some minor instructional videos.

The haircut trend is reflective of a broader shift toward a quicker, more D.I.Y. style of grooming.

76% percent of people are spending less than 30 minutes on their morning routine.

-Jeff Lemucchi